2018年5月9日 星期三

2016/06 關島(Guam)自助 相關遊記&食記 列表

2016/06/11~22 關島(Guam)自助

❈ 關島之旅源起:用里程數換機票 & Hello Kitty彩繪機飛關島&入境關島注意事項
❈ 認識關島交通:免費接駁巴士&付費觀光巴士(Lam Lam Bus)介紹&LeaLea BUS體驗
❈ 關島自駕租車分享:租車自駕體驗、租車過程介紹 (ACE - TOYOTA Rent A Car)
❈ 關島購物介紹:各大購物中心或常見便利商店

✈ ✈ ✈ 關島 刺激體驗活動 ✈ ✈ ✈
 ✧ Micronesian Air (密克羅尼西亞航空) 駕駛小飛機 操控飛行體驗價格、影片教學篇
 ✧ Micronesian Air (密克羅尼西亞航空) 黃昏時分體驗操控飛行 實際飛行篇

❤ ♡ ❤ 關島美食 ❤ ♡ ❤ 
 ✡ 義大利料理 - Capricciosa 卡布里喬莎餐廳 難忘的墨魚麵(Squid Ink Spaghetti)
 ✡ 二訪義大利料理 - Capricciosa 卡布里喬莎餐廳的海鮮義大利麵 (Seafood Spaghetti)
 ✡ 好吃平價又實惠的泰式料理&自助餐 - BAN THAI 泰式餐廳
 ✡ 關島最受歡迎的美式早午餐 - Pika's Cafe 餐廳
 ✡ 令我念念不忘的日式烏龍麵 - Doraku Japanese Restaurant (道樂日式居酒屋)
 ✡ 美式連鎖餐廳 Tony Roma's 軟嫩多汁的經典嫩烤豬肋排 (THE ORIGINAL BABY BACK RIBS)
 ✡ 大受歡迎的關島排隊美食人氣餐廳 PROA Restaurant Guam 帆船餐廳
 ✡ 加州義式餐廳 California Pizza Kitchen Guam 的創意美食
 ✡ 24小時營業 宵夜的好選擇 日式拉麵店 Fuji Ichiban Ramen 藤一番拉麵
 ✡ 美式連鎖酒吧&燒烤餐廳 Applebee's Tamuning
 ✡ 不如預期的牙買加燒烤餐廳(Jamaican Grill) "JERK" CHICKEN & RIBS COMBO 烤雞肋排雙拼

❉ ❉ ❉ 關島住宿 ❉ ❉ ❉
  ❖ 杜夢灣度假好選擇 - 希爾頓度假村(Hilton Guam Resort & Spa) 之 飯店設施、海灘浮潛介紹
    ♦ 希爾頓度假村 之 客房、行政酒廊(Executive Lounge) 介紹
    ♦ 希爾頓度假村 之 最佳視野的 Premier Tower 首席套房(Premier Executive suite) 介紹
  ❖ 杜夢灣交通便利的平價住宿 - Pacific Bay Hotel 太平洋灣景飯店
  ❖ 適合租車自駕的平價住宿 - Wyndham Garden Guam(關島 溫德姆花園酒店 - 塔穆寧)

❧ ❧ ❧ 關島熱門觀光景點 ❧ ❧ ❧
  ❀ 情人必去的熱門觀光景點 - 戀人岬 (Puntan Dos Amantes ; Two Lovers Point)
  ❀ 體驗當地生活的假日迪迪多早市/迪迪多跳蚤市場 (Dededo Flea Market)
  ❀ 體驗關島夜市文化的查莫洛夜市(Chamorro Night Market)
  ❀ 杜夢灣(Tumon) 最棒的浮潛地點 - Gun Beach

  ❀ 最美的白砂沙灘 Ritidian Point & Beach (瑞提迪恩岬&沙灘)

中部 亞加納(Agana)地區景點
  ❀ 欣賞落日餘暉的自由拉堤觀景台(Latte of Freedom) &關島總督府(Governor's Office)
  ❀ 山丘上最佳觀景平台-阿布根瞭望台(Fort Santa Agueda;阿布根堡)
  ❀ 市區的自由女神像&西班牙廣場(Plaza de Espana)&‎聖母瑪利亞大教堂‬
  ❀ 梁靜茹「大手牽小手」MV中所拍攝的海灘(Onward Beach Resort 安華海灘渡假村附近的公眾海灘)

  ❀ 環島新發現:不用潛水就能看到許多海底生物的秘境
  ❀ 太平洋戰爭國家歷史公園之亞森灣瞭望台(Asan Bay Overlook) & Agat Unit - Ga'an Point
  ❀ 欣賞關島日落美景在魚眼海洋公園(Fish Eye Marine Park)附近

  ❀ 環島南部美食:南部環島觀光必經的海景漢堡餐廳 - Jeff's Pirates Cove (傑夫海盜餐廳)
  ❀ 伊納拉漢天然池 (Inarajan Natural Pool)探險、熊岩 (Bear Rock)
  ❀ 烏美德村(Umatac Village) 麥哲倫紀念碑 (Magellan Monument) & Para I Lalahi Ta公園 & 色堤灣展望台(Cetti Bay Overlook)

13 則留言:

  1. The dachshund was bred in Germany hundreds of years ago to hunt badgers. https://www.poodlespring.com/ "Dach" means badger and "hund" means dog. The three varieties of dachshund, smooth-,As family dogs, dachshunds are loyal companions and good watchdogs.
    https://Greenlandpuppies.com They are good with children if treated well. They can be slightly difficult to train. Dachshund puppies for sale wire-,and long-coated, originated at different times. The smooth was the first and arose from a mixture of a miniature French pointer and a pinscher. The breed also comes in two sizes: standard and miniature, with the standard the original size.
    The dachshund has short, strong legs that enable the dog to dig out prey and go inside burrows. Larger versions of the breed were used to chase deer or fox..
    Smaller dachshunds Dachshund puppy for sale were bred for hunting hares and ferrets.
    The breed is still used for hunting, primarily in Europe, nine in dachshunds puppies for sale ches in height.All three types are known
    The dachshund's coat may be shades of red, black, chocolate, white or gray. Some have tan markings or are spotted or dappled. Dachshunds live about 12 to 15 years. toy poodle for sale espite their size, dachshunds are known for their courageous nature and will take on animals much larger than themselves. Some may be aggressive toward strangers and other dogs
    Some dachshund fanciers say there are personality differences among the different varieties of the breed. For instance, the long-coat dachshund is reportedly calmer teacup poodles for sale than the smooth-coat variety,

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